We are committed to helping vulnerable and marginalized children have a chance at a successful future. We provide monthly food and education to 45 abandoned children between the ages of 3 and 21 at Kid’s Kingdom, an orphanage located in Baja, California. Our support ensures that the children receive a proper nutrition and a good education.

With Kids Kingdom, we are dedicated to providing a safe and loving environment where neglected children can grow, thrive, and become productive, flourishing adults who can have a positive impact on their communities.

In the following video, Lluvia tells her story of growing up at Kids' Kingdom.

Population below poverty line:
Total Expenditure on health per capita:
Under five mortality rate:
Physicians Density:
Life Expectancy:
School Life Expectancy:
13 years
Literacy Rate:
GDP per capita:
Children Under the age of 5 years underweight:
Unemployment rate:
% without health insurance:
% of persons living in poverty:
% of high school graduates:
Median household income:

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Community & Family Health

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